Jenna Thompson, Wales

Jenna developed a passion for farming as a child helping in a friend’s lambing shed, and since then gained a degree and master’s degree in Agricultural Animal Science and worked for companies such as Innovis Breeding Sheep, Farm Assured Welsh Livestock, Welsh Water and DEFRA. Jenna has also previously owned a sheep scanning business and spent a year working at North Wyke Farm Platform.

Why did you join Pasture for Life?/What about the Pasture fed movement are you enthusiastic about?

I love the inclusive community, people are involved to learn from each other and there is so much support for anyone who wants to be part of the movement. The wealth of knowledge within the PfL community is mind blowing, and this is shared in so many ways – the forum, webinars, research projects, farm visits and other regional events.

What is something you would like to communicate to our audience?

Anyone can become a member, you don’t have to be 100% pasture-fed, you don’t even need to be farming! If you are interested in knowing more please get in touch with anyone at Pasture for Life!