Fir Farm Ltd (Owners of Firbosa Herefords)
Fir Farm Ltd the owners of Firbosa Herefords who live and breed at Rectory Farm, Lower Swell, please visit our website
At Rectory farm there is currently 200 head of pedigree polled Hereford cattle producing breeding bulls, breeding heifers and high quality beef. We place a big emphasis on the health of the cattle and are level 1 status of the HiHealth Herd Care.
The beef cattle are fed on pasture and home grown forage which includes grass silage, red clover leys, legumes mixes and straw from our arable enterprise. We are in organic conversion on all the farmland.
Sustainability and conservation are at the heart of everything we do at Rectory Farm and we are always looking at ways we can improve this. We are in the Countryside Stewardship Conservation Agreement with the aim of improving farm bird numbers and enhancing the environmental value of the farm.
Under the guidance of Vaughan Lewis from the Wild Trout Trust we have also carried out considerable improvement works to the River Dikler to enhance its value for Brown Trout and other river species. We have planted approximately 65,000 trees to add to the landscape value of the farm, provide a habitat for the many woodland species found in the Cotswolds and to provide a sustainable fuel source in the future.
We are undergoing the organic conversion so the majority of our arable land is in red clover/herbal leys for 3 years. We are producing 60-70 acres of arable(triticale, barley/pea mix, barley, oats) for our own chicken and pig feed and straw for cattle.
We supply Wood assured woodchip to other local biomass boilers so please contact us if we can assist with supplying you with woodchip for your boiler.
Throughout its history the Hereford has maintained its distinctive white face and red coat. All cross-bred Hereford cattle feature a white face, a distinct advantage for easier traceability and future predictability and have the following qualities:
Foraging Ability on grass alone
Ease of calving
Ease of management
Quality beef
Contact Details
Address: Fir Farm Ltd (Firbosa Herefords), Rectory Farm, Lower Swell, Gloucestershire, GL54 1LH England
Telephone: 01608 737 057
Mobile: 07855 392628