Jonny & Rachael Rider
Horton House Farm is a Crown Tenancy situated in the lush Pewsey Vale & extending to the chalk downlands above the valley. Here our herd of 400 cows have been milked once a day for almost 20 years & grazed on predominantly herbal lays. A further 150 older dairy cows suckle & nurse all the young calves for 6 months.
We are the third generation of the family to be rotational grazing on this farm & we have adapted the grazing to have longer rotations & multiple shifts during the day to build organic matter and sward diversity.
The herd is Spring calved over 6 weeks using natural service. We use no antibiotics for mastitis & only use them otherwise for injury or life threatening sickness. The herd is mainly Jersey cross incorporating Montbelliard, with a few Red Polls.
We also run a small flock of Wiltshire Horn sheep on the downs where the lambs remain with their mothers for a year.
For the last 8 years our "Traveling Chickens" have followed behind the cows grazing the new grass shoots & conditioning the pasture in their mobile house.
Lastly we have a few pedigree Tamworth pigs who are excellent grazers & drink the waste cows milk.
Contact Details
Address: Horton House Farm, Horton, Devizes, Wiltshire, Sn103lx England
Telephone: 01380860710
Mobile: 07716112840