Proctor Bros Long Sutton Limited
Mail Order Service Available. Please contact us for details.
At its core our farming, based at Lighthouse Farm, south Lincolnshire, is about restoring soil health, and farming in tune with nature rather than against it.
By improving our soil's structure and fertility we are able to eliminate the use of artificial fertilisers and pesticides and in turn enhance the nutrient value of the food we produce.
Integrating livestock is key to improving soil health and profitability across our arable enterprises. We run Lincoln Red suckler cows and Highlander and New Zealand Romney ewes across perennial pasture on the riverbanks and former lines of reclamation but most importantly they graze temporary legume rich herbal leys within the arable rotation.
Their grazing helps regenerate the land much faster because they add fertility and organic matter/carbon to the soils.
We adopt a 'Total Grazing' approach with multiple daily moves behind electric fencing achieves this. After each graze the land is then rested for as long as possible. This avoids overgrazing and results in strong plant roots which supercharge regrowth and create a more drought resistant, spongy carbon rich soil.
Calving and lambing in spring allows us to match peak animal demand with peak gras/legume productivity.
In late summer ewes and lambs move off the grass onto catch and cover crops where they stay until spring. Our cows are also outwintered but on the permanent pastures and salt marsh to protect the soils from poaching.
Meat Boxes Delivered Straight To Your Door
We’re excited to introduce our premium Pasture for Life Certified Beef and lamb - a product that’s as good for the planet as it is for you. Raised on permanent pasture and diverse herbal leys, our beef is a true reflection of the regenerative farming practices we stand by.
Contact Details
Address: Lighthouse Farm, East Bank, Sutton Bridge, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 9YT England
Telephone: 01406 350247
Mobile: 07774 735135