Old Park Organics
At Old Park Organics we aim to produce high quality, sustainably reared, delicious beef products.
Our cattle are single-suckled and mob grazed on long, leafy forage from a variety of meadows as long as the season allows. Mob grazing provides the fertility that regenerates the soil and the absence of any herbicides or artificial fertilisers enhance the biodiversity of our farm.
When we have to house the cattle for the winter, they are bedded on local straw and fed only on our own hay and silage.
As Pasture For Life farmers, full organic status is a logical step in the farm's evolution and we are proud to have acheived certification through Organic Farmers and Growers.
We believe the way that our stock graze has an important impact on nurturing the environment. Our cattle are well fed in the most natural way and are part of a balanced cycle of nature. Our long grass captures and stores carbon in the soil and because there is no need for cultivation the carbon stays there.
Since the cattle are grown at a natural pace and only eat food which grows in our meadows, our beef has a unique and rich flavour and is nutritionally denser than conventional beef, which is better for you as well as the environment.
Contact Details
Address: Old Park Organics, Old Park Farm, Syresham, Brackley, Northamptonshire, NN135PT England
Mobile: 07927 208 480
Email: oldparkorganics@gmail.com