Out and about September 2024

Abergavenny Food Festival 2024

We had a brilliant weekend at Abergavenny Food Festival this year, hosting a panel discussion at the ‘Local and Vocal’ tent on the benefits of grazing animals on 100% pasture. Speaking to a packed tent and engaged audience, our panelists explored the realities and benefits of farming pasture fed animals in Wales, from the nutritional values in pasture fed produce to how pasture fed farming can improve human wellbeing as well as animal welfare, including quality of life.

“I am a happy farmer, and that is largely down to being a pasture fed farmer” – Ben Jones, certified Hillside Beef and Lamb.

We also discussed topical subjects such as the importance of supporting small-scale, local abattoirs in South Wales and beyond. The talk was rounded off with a delicious sampling of pasture fed treats from members, Wild by Nature. Thanks to our panelists Emma Douglas, our Wales Facilitator and member farmer, and members Ed Dickson from Wild By Nature and Ben Jones from certified Hillside Beef and Lamb, chaired by our Executive Director, Jimmy Woodrow.

Lincolnshire Food Partnership

Our East Midlands Manager Hannah Thorogood attended a Lincolnshire Food Partnership ‘conversation’ on the 9th September, one of many taking place around the country supported by the Food, Farming & Countryside Commission, asking what do citizens want from the food system?

The discussion in Lincolnshire highlighted the challenges faced by farmers, environmental damage, and the high cost of healthy food. The solutions including improving food education and getting growing your own food and cooking on the syllabus, encouraging local food economies, and amplifying the voices of those experiencing food poverty.

Read more here.

Labour Party Conference 2024

We were at the Labour Party Conference on Monday 23rd September in Liverpool. We took part in a Farmers’ Market Place of Ideas with our partners – Sustainable Food Trust, Sustain, Real Farming Trust, Soil Association, The Food Foundation , and Bite Back – to challenge Labour leaders to seize the opportunities that fixing food offers – from climate and nature to health and the economy.  We were joined by some of the most influential voices in food and farming, including Andy Cato, Sophie Gregory, and James Rebanks.

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