Alistair Stobie


Alistair Stobie - Director

We are raising pedigree Dexter cattle for sale as breeding heifers and via meat boxes over approximately 80 acres of calciferous down lands and fluvial flood planes in Dorset. We are currently looking to expand into a micro-dairy and take on additional grazing as the local big arable estates move back to a mixed farming model. We are low-to-no input and are converts to daily moves, herbal leys and single mobs.

I have spent the best part of 3 decades in private equity and the oil and gas business in the former Soviet Union, North and West Africa and the United Kingdom.

My path to regenerative agriculture came from an interest in the impact of our food choices on human health. However, like many, I now cannot walk around a field without turning over cow pats to admire our dung beetles. Soil health and human health are inextricably linked.

The latter part of my career in the UK resulted in my increasing involvement in lobbying government. It’s not just in agriculture that the government is making poor choices. I would like to bring some of that experience to the PFLA. In addition, I have spent a working lifetime helping businesses transition from early stage to more mature organisations. As the PFLA is a member driven organisation, my corporate experience does not have complete crossover. However, I have seen too often culture being lost for the supposed benefits of maturity and will not repeat these mistakes with the PFLA.

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